A happy, thousandfold happy soul,
Who loves God for God’s sake,
Who loves Him more than his own life.To love Him above life,
is to love Him regardless of what the senses feel, selflessly,
is to love the annihilating ways by which He leads,
is to love Him for Him alone,
is to lose oneself completely in His liking.
Mother Mechtilde of the Blessed Sacrament
The morning Mass on Saturday, November 18, opened the day of recollection for our oblates in the series Meetings with Mechtildian spirituality.
The day’s program included:
• adoration
• conferences:
• I adore and I surrender, or about the ultimate things (Sr. Cecilia)
•On the true spirit of perpetual adorers of the Blessed Sacrament (Sr. Dominika)
• Sr. Cecilia’s report of the meeting of young Benedictine sisters in Tutzing.
The day of recollection ended with First Sunday Vespers.