Sister Maria Alojza of St. Benedict – Józefa Tryc
Date and place of birth: March 21, 1895, Zielonka
Date of entry: February 1, 1919
Date of profession: August 22, 1921(temporary), August 22, 1924 (perpetual).
Offices in the monastery: gardener
On August 1, after the Uprising began, when the shelling reached the monastery, the sisters running to the choir met her in the corridor very concerned. She said that the uprising had broken out and added: We must offer ourselves to the Lord Jesus!
During the uprising, she heroically put out fires.
She survived the bombing of August 31, 1944, in the basement under the Kotowski palace (the oldest part of the monastery), but was partially covered by rubble. There was no way to get her out, as more and more bricks were falling on her trapped leg. An amputation had to be performed, but Sister Aloysia did not agree to this: If God wills it, so be it. She had to be left alone. She asked only to light a candle. She was probably killed during the repeated bombing that the monastery was subjected to on September 1.